Helen M. Ryan

Creative Pro | PR Consultant

Attract Clients

Get in front of clients, customers, listeners, or readers... with less effort.


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DIY - get publicity cheatsheet

The quickest way build your client/customer list is through free publicity. This cheat sheet gets you started and saves you a ton of time (and money).

Get noticed ... fast


So call me, maybe...

Want to see how we can work together? Need a quick fix? Marketing, design, or PR help? Let's chat.


I'm a tech geek who loves my Mac (and chocolate).As a:• Graphic designer
• Marketing strategist
• PR consultant
...I’ve worked with clients large and small for over 20 years, sometimes while traveling the world as a digital nomad.When I started landing media features I discovered I was good at it. I decided to help others do the same, teaching them how to skyrocket their credibility as their own publicists.Need help?I'm available for projects, 1:1 consulting, and full VIP days.

Cover that says Publicity Kit with maroon, blue and yellow squares.

Coming soon!

Ultimate Publicity Kit

The fastest way to land media mentions... in 30 days or less. Build your audience and credibility. Get on the list.